Labyrinth Busker Journal - Brian Robert Pearce


Are you familiar with the terms  Temperature and
2) Negative-Absolute Temperature (below absolute zero).
I certainly understand what would occur at absolute zero, no molecular
motion, but what would happen at infinite temperature? Would molecules and
atoms be split apart?  I really don't know.

I was trying to reconcile these two terms with your idea of temperature as

I will have to check out your daughter's website at home as the school
system has it filtered out as personal; not in the interest of the school

Will be in contact.

Best Regards,


  Hi Mead! Within the framework of my 'time is temperature' concept 'Infinite temperature'  is an invalid term.
The universe places a value on everything, so 'infinite' becomes at best  'constant'.
'Temperature' is 'time' and is inseparably related to 'explosion', 'expansion' and 'movement'.
With this in mind, the conceptual meaning of 'infinite temperature' has to be reconciled.
Is there a limit to the speed of time?
I would have to answer "Yes!" - within our present experience, because the speed of light seems unbreachable
because mass expands and explodes in compensatory fashion at this speed. It reaches a limit. Molecular harmony
is dependent on particular speed ranges (of time). The energy that can be contained or released is also dependent
on this.
Have you noticed how hot weather drains your energy?
Yet you are more easily re-energised?
We can not contain our energy as well, but energy from others is easier to obtain.
Until a critical point is reached within the actual level of temperature (it gets too hot).
Have you noticed how cold weather makes other people more remote?
And that your energy is more self-reliant and remote from other people?
Christmas (example) is a time for family and loved ones, because it is cold and we are more able to choose who we
give energy to.
We become 'bigger' in mass the colder it gets.
Observe a picture of a snowflake - and see how the central core selectively  holds molecular ideas it holds dear.
The slowing down of molecular organic substance creates expansion of mass adhered to it (peripheral or otherwise).
This retention of energy in non-organic substances (like supercooled nitrogen fuel) is sufficient to boost us into space.
From superslow to superfast creates a massive expansion if it is instantaneous.
So imagine the levels of energy that can be trapped within something classed as 'absolute zero'.
We would become denser at high 'temperatures', but greater in mass at low temperatures.
The distribution of energy is more widespread and random at high speeds.
The distribution of energy is more selective at low speeds.
As far as I can see, Einstein has predicted more than we can imagine - and more than he could imagine.
The speed of time affects energy retention, density and mass within molecular structure.
Could the concept of 'infinite temperature' and 'negative-absolute zero' be proved valid?
Quite possibly it could.
There seem to be opposing forces that could halt or aid such things.
Be in touch. Keep in touch.