Hi Mead! I've been chewing over how to
further explain what is clearly understood within me, but is hard to
outlay in words. This latest effort takes a look at another angle of
'time is temperature'.
temperature of the Sun's core is estimated at between 10.5 and
22 million degrees C.
The temperature of the Sun's surface (photosphere) is estimated at
6,000 degrees C.
The temperature of the Earth's thermosphere is estimated at 1,500
degrees C.
The average temperature of the Earth's surface is estimated at 15
degrees C.
The temperature on the Earth WITHOUT an atmosphere is estimated at -18
degrees C.
The recommended storage temperature of food over a long term in a
freezer is -18 degrees C.
The term of storage for meat is usually about two years, because -18
degrees C does not stop the activity of bacteria. It merely slows it
At 15 degrees C, this bacteria reaches a minimum or optimum temperature
for growth.
Figure 6 (below). Growth rate vs temperature for
five environmental classes of procaryotes. Most procaryotes will grow
over a temperature range of about 30 degrees. The curves exhibit three
points: minimum, optimum and maximum temperatures for growth. There is
a steady increase in growth rate between the minimum and optimum
temperatures, but slightly past the optimum a critical
thermolabile cellular event occurs, and the growth rates plunge rapidly
as the maximum T is approached. As expected and as predicted by T.D.
Brock, life on earth, with regard to temperature, exists
wherever water remains in a liquid state. Thus, psychrophiles grow in
solution wherever water is supercooled below 0 degrees; and extreme
thermophilic archaea (hyperthermophiles) have been identified
growing near deep-sea thermal vents at temperatures up to 120 degrees.
Theoretically, the bar can be pushed to even higher temperatures.
Table 9. Terms used to describe
microorganisms in relation to temperature requirements for growth.
Temperature for growth (degrees C)
Grow best at relatively low T
Able to grow at low T but prefer moderate T
Most bacteria esp. those living in association with warm-blooded animals
Above 100 (boiling) Among all thermophiles is wide variation in optimum
and maximum T
*For "degrees" of thermophily see text and graphs above
Without Earth's atmosphere the temperature of the Eath's surface
would be -18 degrees C.
effect of atmosphere raises this to 15 degrees C (average).
idea is that temperature as a separate entity outside the laws
of time does not exist within the universe. We observe and experience
heat and cold and can measure and utilise it, so we regard it as a
reality with a unique definition. But temperature is simply a
measurement of Time and its velocity. As an example, let's imagine that
a bacterial cell has one event each second at -18 degrees C.
timespeed of the Sun's core is estimated at between 10.5 and
22 million events per second
The timespeed of the Sun's surface (photosphere) is estimated at 6,000
events per second
The timespeed of the Earth's thermosphere is estimated at 1,500 events
per second
The average timespeed of the Earth's surface is estimated at (15
degrees) 33 events per second
The timespeed on the Earth WITHOUT an atmosphere is estimated at ( -18)
1 event per second
The recommended storage timespeed of food over a long term in a freezer
is (-18) 1 event per second
The term of storage for meat is usually about two years, because (-18
degrees C) 1 event per second does not stop the activity of bacteria.
It merely slows it down.
At (15 degrees C) 33 events per second, this bacteria reaches a minimum
or optimum timespeed for growth.
If that event happened to be (say) cell division and rate of
reproduction then there would be
1 new cell each second at -18 degreesC
33 new cells at 15 degrees C
1,500 new cells at 1,500 degrees C
6,000 new cells at 6,000 degrees C
as the table above shows, organic life (as we know it)
reaches a maximum speed of growth where it can no longer flourish as a
species. But if it could, its growth rate would be phenomenal at faster
timespeeds such as 1,500, 6,000 and 16,000,000 (averaging the sun's
After 1 SECOND, growth status would be:
2 cells at -18 degrees
999 cells at 15 degrees
2,250,000 cells at 1,500 degrees
36,000,000 cells at 6,000 degrees
2 seconds, the growth status would be:
2 x 2 cells at -18 degrees
999 x 999 at 15 degrees
2,250,000 x 2,250,000 cells at 1,500 degrees
36,000,000 x 36,000,000 at 6,000 degrees
It seems clear to me that the implication of this is that
timespeed is also the measure of the activity we term as 'explosion'.
Our bodies and the microorganisms that surround us are reliant on
occurring at a minimum and maximum rate of time speed.
In addition, all forces and gravitational effects within the universe
are caused by this effect of timespeed. Life in the universe can
probably be found everywhere. In relative terms, 36,000 years will have
passed on the Sun's surface for every year passed here on Earth. The
planets are cast offs from where the true hub of life in this solar
system exists. Countless worlds, species and civilisations are born and
within the Sun itself for every second I dwell here writing this. We
are peripheral beings on the outside looking in... except we can't
physically look in. It would blind us.
that's it. Perhaps you may want to do your own maths on this.
do you think there is a possibility that there are
lifeforms that can maintain their identity over thousands of degrees of
timespeed? Do you think they can metamorph into a physical shape that
is suitable for local mean average timespeeds?
so, then you may share with me the idea that such a thing would
open up the possibility of not only the existence of souls, but also of
angels, Heaven and God within a scientific format.
in touch. Keep in touch.
Hi Mead! Putting "time is temperature" into search engines was
interesting. It produced result after result similar to 'drying time
is temperature dependent' or 'incubation time is
temperature dependent.... the theme being
'temperature dependent.
But there was one webpage (seemingly published in '97) that
reveals we're not the only ones who are seeking the 'time is
temperature' paths.
Mead! I sent a mail to the 'time is temperature' webpage author and
this is his reply:
Hello Brian. I read your site messages and see
that you too have linked
Time and Temperature. I don't know, however, where you found my
so I don't know which parts of it you've read. I'll send you this
summary. But for now consider this (I think it might solve your
concerning the human who catches the apple--and seems to thwart a
"destined" future): There is no Future. And, of course,
there is no
Past. There is only a Present, but its "duration" is so
that we can never measure it or comprehend it. We know there is a
Present--or we could not be here talking about it. However (for
example), everything you've just read is already in the Past.
ironically, we always think, talk and act in non-existent Past and/or
Future paradigms, while physically existing in a Present that we can
never realize. (Go figure!)
Present Time, I suggest, comprises a NEW UNIVERSE at each infinitesimal
an anti-pulse, this phenomenon is represented by SPACE/ABSOLUTE ZERO.
[This does not contradict your idea that zero does not exist; because
here, zero is truly immeasurable! And note: The speed of
light, which
I agree has acceleration, does not apply to an instantaneous Universal
Space implosion as I am describing.]
This universe that "happens" at each pulse (or if you prefer, at each
Big Bang. Is there a rule that the age of the Universe must be 14
billion years, rather than, say, 14 billionths of a nano-second?) is
always slightly different than the previous cosmos--just as an apple is
never the same apple. After trillions of pulses, we begin to
"change" in everything. With the apple, we call this effect rot;
the universe, we call it Time.
Hey, I'll clam up now. I see you have a way with numbers; I have
Perhaps you can calculate the duration of Present Time--it may be linked
to the Planck's Constant? Buz
It seems he is pursuing a line
of thought I similarly perused during my writing of the journal. In
that, I decided that for every force there must be an opposing force.
So if Time is movement, then no movement would be 'no time'. At first,
I imagined 'no time' as the condition of the universe before the
'first movement'. For this, imagine a snowflake with its
composition entirely balanced with no forces whatsoever acting on it.
All atoms and electrons etc are static at a temperature of Absolute
Zero (0 degreesK).
Then I imagined that one
atom within this 'no time' zone was able to move slightly (
albeit from sudden will, the first original thought or some sudden
imbalance within its structure).
That first movement in a
perfectly balanced non-moving structure would cause neighbouring
atoms to be sucked into the imbalance of the atom and their
movement would cause their outer neighbours to home in on the original
movement. This would cause fission and fusion and a radical new force
of temperature as atoms and particles collided. The entire 'no time'
structure would implode on itself until the density and fusion in the
centre would become too great and the powerful force of implosion would
be followed by an opposing force of explosion.
Then I imagined that this 'big
bang' produced a multitude of 'time lines' that would propell outward forcefully until they lost their
inertia and curved slowly to return to their original starting
place where they will once more return to a 'no time' state within a
condition of Absolute Zero.
Anyhow, that's a quick summary.
But then I thought that all
forces have their opposites within the present. So 'no time' conditions
must exist continuously and must be pesent for the force of 'time' to
equally continue its existence. So I can understand where Buz is coming
from with his talk on pulses and "change" being noticed through
trillions of pulses.
Because my development of the
'no time' idea saw me imagining movement, then no movement, occurring
in rapid ( or slow) reaction.
To picture this, imagine
Sleeping Beauty sleeps for a hundred years until the Prince comes to
kiss her. Sleeping Beauty was magically induced to sleep, so she has no
awareness that she slept at all and she wakes with the probable
belief that she has not slept at all and the world is just one
second removed from her last active interaction with it.
So 'no time' could occur
every day, or every hour, or every minute, or every nano-second -
or any billionth of a nano-second. It could last for a nano-second
or for a million years. I could be frozen here typing this - and
because there is no movement during a 'no time' period of Absolute Zero
I would not be aware that it happened.
But my journal was interested in
isolating the nature of the soul - and it did that well (for me
personally). A universe existing through progressive freeze frame
seemed an ideal one for a soul to peruse its actions within it. Through
sleep and a soul's eventual release from its organic being (through
what we call death - or is it simply change) the soul can reference the
past. So could God within this set up.
Anyhow, I basically discarded
this idea for other ideas over the years - but there may be some
validity in amongst it all. Pulses and wavelengths could represent the
kind of pumping action implied therein. If a soul can travel time lines
and navigate via 'no time' stages there is a way for it to
instantaneously (within our perception of time) travel anywhere and
Things like Astral Projection
would be a possibility within this kind of framework.
What do you think?
Be in touch. Keep in touch.
Are you familiar with the terms Infinite Temperature and
2) Negative-Absolute Temperature (below absolute zero).
I certainly understand what would occur at absolute zero, no molecular
motion, but what would happen at infinite temperature? Would molecules
atoms be split apart? I really don't know.
I was trying to reconcile these two terms with your idea of temperature
Best Regards,
Hi Mead! Within the framework of my 'time is
temperature' concept 'Infinite temperature' is an invalid term.
The universe places a value on everything, so 'infinite' becomes at
best 'constant'.
'Temperature' is 'time' and is inseparably related to 'explosion',
'expansion' and 'movement'.
With this in mind, the conceptual meaning of 'infinite temperature' has
to be reconciled.
Is there a limit to the speed of time?
I would have to answer "Yes!" - within our present experience, because
the speed of light seems unbreachable
because mass expands and explodes in compensatory fashion at this
speed. It reaches a limit. Molecular harmony
is dependent on particular speed ranges (of time). The energy that can
be contained or released is also dependent
on this.
Have you noticed how hot weather drains your energy?
Yet you are more easily re-energised?
We can not contain our energy as well, but energy from others is easier
to obtain.
Until a critical point is reached within the actual level of
temperature (it gets too hot).
Have you noticed how cold weather makes other people more remote?
And that your energy is more self-reliant and remote from other people?
Christmas (example) is a time for family and loved ones, because it is
cold and we are more able to choose who we
give energy to.
We become 'bigger' in mass the colder it gets.
Observe a picture of a snowflake - and see how the central core
selectively holds molecular ideas it holds dear.
The slowing down of molecular organic substance creates expansion of
mass adhered to it (peripheral or otherwise).
This retention of energy in non-organic substances (like supercooled
nitrogen fuel) is sufficient to boost us into space.
From superslow to superfast creates a massive expansion if it is
So imagine the levels of energy that can be trapped within something
classed as 'absolute zero'.
We would become denser at high 'temperatures', but greater in mass at
low temperatures.
The distribution of energy is more widespread and random at high speeds.
The distribution of energy is more selective at low speeds.
As far as I can see, Einstein has predicted more than we can imagine -
and more than he could imagine.
The speed of time affects energy retention, density and mass within
molecular structure.
Could the concept of 'infinite temperature' and 'negative-absolute
zero' be proved valid?
Quite possibly it could.
There seem to be opposing forces that could halt or aid such things.
It relates the life of Van Gogh with my experience within the
borders of his haunts - and how, in effect, I could claim to have
walked a similar path to Van Gogh. But that can equally be said of so
many buskers and artists in Antwerp and elsewhere. Within the minds of
buskers that you and I would view with respect there are elements
of genius that require nothing more than focus to uncover.
Van Gogh sold one painting during his life. I'm sure he knew his
work was worth more than that. I'm sure he knew he had a creative
Yorkshire ( where I live) there is a saying:
there's muck, there's brass!"
tends to mean raw materials and waste products. Brass means
money that has to be worked at to attain. Let's transfer this to modern
Anglo-Saxon governments and corporate interests:
there's fear, there's gold!"
difference in metallic values is pointed and intended.
Fear to sell a product or policy - or to eradicate
competition. There is little difference between Fear and Greed. One
begets the other. Therefore there will be many people who will read
that article and think:
What a great idea!"
begin lobbying for it. The reason for that is a/ Fear of
survival or viability and the consequent Holy Grail of hitting out at
anything that moves
b/ the idea that there is a solution in the production of an
alternative oil supply through plants via a term they barely understand
(ethanol). But it seems someone knows the solution, so they grasp at it.
c/ that this would be a solution for their fear and resentment
of the Hispanic invasion, because they would be given something useful
to do and paid good money to do it.
frightening (fear) aspect of the brilliant cynicism of the
article is the realisation that there could be people in high places
who could really view this scenario as a viable enterprise.
essentially, the underlying reality (in my view) is that we
have massively underachieved these last 30 years. I would use
visualisation as a guideline. You visualise something and eventually it
bears fruit. The over-riding visualisation over the past 30 years seems
to be either a/ how to get rich, or b/ how to survive under the
pressure created by those who want to get rich.
in the 20th Century up until 1979 firmly expected
man to colonise the Moon and other planets by 2001 AD. We were
exceeding visualisation radically, then of a sudden we are lagging way
is the negative visualisation of thinkers in the early 20th
Century that has come to pass. Faceless corporations motivated purely
by fear and greed, controlling an institutionalised society whose
thought processes will eventually be governed by the most successful
economic, manufacturing country the 21st Century can come up with.
Right now, that seems to be the freedom loving, freedom of information
loving Chinese - who don't seem to mind all the Western-spawned sweat
shops as much as their political agenda might claim.
shops in the USA, UK and Asia are doing a roaring trade.
failure to meet visualisation means we are retracting rather
than expanding to other worlds. It means we are feeding ruthlessly upon
each other upon the basis of "might is right", whether that be economic
or military.