Busker Brian busking - listen to his songs

Busker walking

Do you know?
The Silence after Rain
The Labyrinth
You're my fantasy
Across the sea
Flower and Burning
Fjords of Iceland
I remember everything
Happy in this town
Buskerbrian Online Video Show
Fairy Tales
Don't ask me
Help you through the day
Your Eyes
Uptown Suzy
Only in my dreams
Time to Play
Glad I'm Not You
Poverty Row
Little Black Sheep
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Busker walking
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BUSKER WALKING: words/music - B.Pearce

See him walking down the road
Do you wonder where he's been?
Got a guitar round his back
Do you wonder what he's seen?
There are lines of ingrained tension
telling tales across his face
and eyes that speak of stories
being lost without a trace
When he sings
he shares emotion
that he trapped within each song
and the memories stir him briefly
With the next song they are gone
There is something strange about his way
He sits alone
Do you wonder, "Is he happy?"
as he wanders on his own
People try
and people worry
to be as normal as they can
But he doesn't try to be that
He is strange
this mystery man
See him walking down the road
Do you wonder where he's been?
Got a guitar round his back
Do you wonder what he's seen? 

It was February, 1996 - and I knew I would leave Antwerp soon for the open road. This song 'Busker walking' tries to capture both my inner thoughts and the wondering of others as I drift briefly their way. 

Busker Brian downloads chart 

Train in the Woods

Words/music: Brian Pearce